February 11, 2021
IAP President: Twitter Selectively Enforcing Rules By Censoring Conservative Journalism
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Mike Davis, Founder and President of the Internet Accountability Project (IAP), today released the following statement after Twitter restricted the accounts of journalist James O’Keefe and banned his organization, Project Veritas.
“This is yet another alarming example of Big Tech monopolies colluding to censor the truth and punish conservative journalists for doing their job of holding powerful Big Tech institutions accountable. This one-sided and selective enforcement of rules to target ideological opponents is shamelessly inconsistent with Twitter’s stated belief in ‘transparency and choice.’
“Throughout the Trump administration, from conversations with foreign heads of state to internal policy deliberations, leaks and recorded exchanges were regularly covered by the mainstream media, yet none were censored by Big Tech.
“If the New York Times can publish President Trump’s tax information, which is legally protected, why can’t Project Veritas release information that is also of public interest? There is no doubt that social media companies wield significant influence on our politics and culture. Their practices and biases are a matter of serious public interest and ongoing political debate.
“It was not so long ago that left-wing journalists who obtained secretly recorded information of public interest were lauded by mainstream journalists for their work. David Corn of Mother Jones memorably published a recording of Mitt Romney discussing his tax policy beliefs. He was praised, not silenced.
“Just this week, the New York Times’ Nikole Hannah-Jones intentionally violated Twitter’s rules by knowingly posting the personal contact information of a Free Beacon journalist for more than 24 hours without consequence.
“The only thing consistent about Big Tech’s enforcement of its ‘rules’ is its consistent targeting of only one side—conservatives. Twitter should immediately reverse its decision and apologize for this attack on journalism and free speech. But we don’t expect Big Tech to change its ways any time soon. That’s why our lawmakers and law enforcers must put an end to Big Tech’s Section 230 immunity and antitrust amnesty.”
Davis was recently banned by Twitter and his account reinstated after Twitter admitted wrongdoing.
IAP is a nonprofit conservative advocacy group that holds Big Tech accountable for engaging in egregious business practices like snooping, spying, political bias against conservatives, employee abuses and anticompetitive conduct.
Davis previously served as Chief Counsel for Nominations to Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary and led the Senate confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh and a record number of circuit court judges nominated by President Trump.
More information on Davis and IAP can be found here.
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