IAP Statement on Cotton-Klobuchar Big Tech Merger Legislation

November 5, 2021

WASHINGTON — Mike Davis, Founder and President of the Internet Accountability Project, issued the following statement on The Platform Competition and Opportunity Act, bipartisan Big Tech merger legislation introduced today by Sens. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN).

“Free markets only work if there’s competition. Trillion-dollar Big Tech monopolists like Amazon, Google, Facebook and Apple use their staggering market power to buy start-ups that could threaten their dominance. This unfair and abusive practice prevents competition, crushes small businesses, harms consumers and leads to a decline in innovation. The Internet Accountability Project applauds the leadership of Senators Klobuchar and Cotton for their bipartisan legislation to put the burden on Big Tech to prove their acquisitions won’t strengthen their monopolistic market share while still allowing for due process and a day in court.”

IAP is a nonprofit conservative advocacy group that holds Big Tech accountable for engaging in egregious business practices like snooping, spying, political bias against conservatives, employee abuses and anticompetitive conduct. Davis previously served as Chief Counsel for Nominations to Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary and led the Senate confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh and a record number of circuit court judges. More information on Davis and IAP can be found here.

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