IAP Statement on Apple’s Alleged Threat Against Twitter

November 29, 2022

WASHINGTON — Mike Davis, Founder and President of the Internet Accountability Project, issued the following statement after Elon Musk tweeted about Apple allegedly threatening to remove Twitter from its App Store.

“A lack of competition or accountability is never a positive for the free market, for consumers, or for innovation. Apple’s App Store is far too powerful, as demonstrated by its ability to flagrantly threaten Twitter with removal from their store, which is only made possible by its unchecked influence. Recent history shows us that Elon Musk is right to be worried about the consequences of Apple removing Twitter from its app store. Apple and Google have a combined 99% control of the app store marketplace. When these two companies decide to target someone, they can effectively render their product unusable by nearly all consumers. We saw this happen to Parler, and the same outcome should not be allowed to happen to Twitter.

“There is a solution to the Google and Apple app store duopoly: The Open App Markets Act (S.2710), which promotes competition and reduces gatekeeper power in the app economy, increases choice, improves quality, and reduces costs for consumers. Congress should act during the lame-duck session and get this passed as soon as possible to rein in the unlimited power of Apple and Google,” said Mike Davis.

The Internet Accountability Project is a conservative grassroots advocacy organization that opposes Big Tech and seeks to hold these companies accountable for their bad acts.


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