IAP Announces Josh Hammer Joining as Counsel and Policy Adviser

October 22, 2020

WASHINGTON, DC — The Internet Accountability Project (IAP), a conservative nonprofit established to bring the fight to Big Tech from the right, announced today that Josh Hammer is joining the organization as counsel and policy adviser ahead of major antitrust and Section 230 immunity battles with Big Tech.

Hammer is Newsweek opinion editor, a syndicated columnist, a research fellow with the Edmund Burke Foundation, and of counsel at First Liberty Institute. He formerly clerked for Judge James C. Ho of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit and served as a John Marshall Fellow with the Claremont Institute.

“IAP is thrilled to have Josh Hammer join our team at this critical moment,” said IAP founder and president Mike Davis. “In the past week, Twitter and Facebook stunned the world by censoring The New York Post, one of the largest and oldest newspapers in the country, for publishing a news article about former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter’s alleged foreign corrupt dealings with China and the Ukraine. Big Tech bullies even censored the White House press secretary and users who posted The New York Post story link, demonstrating Big Tech’s brazen political bias and out-of-control misuse of its monopoly power. This was Big Tech’s Pearl Harbor attack on conservatives – and a major wakeup call to all Americans. The battle ahead is critical for the future of the country. We must restore the competitive online marketplace, stop subsidizing political bias in the business practices of the largest companies in the world, and safeguard consumer privacy. IAP is fortunate to have Josh join us in this fight.”

“The Big Tech assault last week on the New York Post, which I grew up reading and where I now contribute, was enough to get me off the sidelines and more directly involved in this fight,” said Hammer. “The Facebook-Twitter nuking of the Post‘s ‘Hunter Biden files’ scoop was Big Tech’s Pearl Harbor attack. Silicon Valley behemoths, which control the 21st-century equivalent of the old public town square, must be held accountable for their inexcusable, grossly biased, anti-competitive actions. The reality is both simple and stark: Conservatives must hold Big Tech accountable or conservatives will cease to be politically relevant in this country. I’m proud to join my friend Mike Davis in this crucial battle.”

IAP is a nonprofit conservative advocacy group that holds Big Tech accountable for their profiting from human-sex trafficking, revenge-porn, the opioid epidemic, and drug addiction, terrorism, and other forms of human misery, along with engaging in egregious business practices like snooping, spying, political bias against conservatives, employee abuses, and anticompetitive conduct.

To learn more, please visit http://www.TheIAP.org.

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For Immediate Release                                           

Media Contact: 

Matt Mackowiak                                                                                                                                     (512) 423-6116                                                                                              matt@potomacstrategygroup.com

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