December 29, 2020
Ranking Member Jim Jordan
House Committee on the Judiciary 2056 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515
Dear Ranking Member Jordan,
December 29, 2020
We write to you as conservative and center-right groups in support of Rep. Ken Buck to be Ranking Member on the House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law.
Over the last two years, Rep. Buck has demonstrated himself to be a thoughtful legislator on issues relating to antitrust. His October 2020 report, “The Third Way: Antitrust Enforcement in Big Tech,” impressively threaded the antitrust needle by countering the Democrats’ support for onerous over-regulation while simultaneously pushing Congress to recognize Big Tech’s anticompetitive behavior. In doing this so consistently and so deftly, Rep. Buck has proven himself to be the right man for the job.
As you know, Rep. Buck is a bastion for conservative values in Congress who has fought for the preservation of the free market and the restoration of competition in the American economy. He has also shown his dedication to standing up against Big Tech’s censorship of conservative viewpoints, which threatens the freedoms of speech and expression for all Americans. As these corporations have ventured to crush consumers and small businesses under their economic ambitions, Rep. Buck has immersed himself in Congressional efforts to promote meaningful policy reforms that support conservative principles.
Considering all of this, we are confident that Rep. Buck will be the best person to lead as Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law. We ask that you appoint him to the ranking member position on the Subcommittee. Thank you for your consideration.
Mike Davis, Founder and President The Internet Accountability Project
Rachel Bovard, Senior Advisor The Internet Accountability Project
Matt Schlapp, Chairman
American Conservative Union
Morton Blackwell, President The Leadership Institute
L. Brent Bozell III, Chairman ForAmerica
Harmeet Dhillon, California Committeewoman Republican National Committee
Penny Nance, CEO and President Concerned Women for America
Charlie Kirk, President Turning Point USA
Erick Erickson The Resurgent
Colleen Holcomb, President Eagle Forum
Terry Schilling, Executive Director American Principles Project
Jon Schweppe, Director of Policy American Principles Project
Christian Robey, Vice President of External Affairs Media Research Center
Arthur Milikh, Executive Director
The Claremont Institute’s Center for The American Way of Life
Ryan Williams, President The Claremont Institute
Nick Short, Digital Media Manager The Claremont Institute
Kelly Shackelford First Liberty
Seton Motley, President Less Government
Will Chamberlain, Co-Publisher Human Events
Jack Posobiec, Analyst
One American News Network (OANN)
Josh Hammer
The Edmund Burke Foundation
Ron Coleman, Partner Dhillon Law Group
Ian Prior, Former Deputy Director of Public Affairs Department of Justice
Jessie Jane Duff
Gunnery Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps retired Military Advisor, Committee Present Danger China
Matt Mackowiak, Executive Director Fight for Tomorrow
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