Daily Caller: ‘Shady Deals’: UN Enlisted Google To Push Down Opposing Viewpoints On Climate Science

October 4, 2022

Daily Caller

United Nations Secretary for Global Communications Melissa Fleming said on Saturday that the international organization collaborated with Google to push its own climate change resources to the top of internet search results.

Fleming claimed during an interview with the World Economic Forum that using platforms like Google to do this would ensure that the correct science was being promoted on the internet. The U.N. was shocked that there was “incredibly distorted” information on climate change featured by Google search results before the partnership, Fleming said.

“This is the latest example of Big Tech colluding with their liberal allies in government to stifle dissent and promote their radical social agenda,” Mike Davis, president and founder of the Internet Accountability Project, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Google has a monopoly on search, so this will have a real impact as consumers don’t have viable alternatives.”

Google and YouTube instituted a policy in October 2021 that removes ads on all content that denies the scientific consensus on climate change. The tech giant said it was implementing the policy because advertisers didn’t want their products associated with content that promotes “climate denial.”

Read the full article HERE.

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